Things Always Have A Distinct Beginning:
It is our beliefs that influence our lives. This statement came from an interview between two people that I admire for their honesty and professionalism. The interview started out like this; for instance, there are conversations that as youngsters, we've heard from the senior female members of our family. As the sat around the kitchen table discussing things that may have happened to them or to others, in their love lives such as:
• All men cheat
• Men are jerks
• Men don't listen
It is like they were carrying a chip on their shoulder; saying that these actions or the lack thereof is the best that they can expect from their men or a relationship with any man. They carried on and ranted and raved as if to say they felt that they themselves were unlovable. Now mind you, these were smart, intelligent women who were feeling this way. I didn't know that these women sitting around the kitchen table talking weren't the only ones thinking and believing this way about men and relationships. So, unknowingly, they passed this poison tongue belief on to the younger female ears listening on. Did we become to believe this way as well? So, just how do we learn to catch him and keep him?
This learned pattern is what is getting in our way from meeting, recognizing and getting him; let alone keeping him. The anger we hold onto from our former relationship hurts is deep seated and holds on tight to subconscious, whether we realize this or not. Let us say that our man is feeling some emotional stress when he comes home after a strenuous work day. We are not aware of the programming set in place, within us, from decades ago. We expect him to react one way towards us when he gets home, but in stead he just plops down on his chair and stairs blankly at the television; saying nothing. Now during the interview they were saying that men can feel this energy coming from us, be it positive or negative. This just happens to be anger or discontent that we might be feeling. Instantly he is thinking that; "I'm not going to deal with this right now", then feeling even more stressed. Actually, he probably was just tired!
It Is Time To Break The Pattern:
Instead, it is suggested that you: just gradually stroll up to him, without saying anything, and just lightly touch him; while you pass him by, in a particular way that would engage him in his body, and in his affection with you. Now with no words spoken and only a light well placed touch experienced between you; you spoke volumes. Now, he is automatically engaged in the moment and instantly connected to you as you were hoping for when he came through the door. Almost instantly, all of that negative stuff you were feeling went out the window once you decided to be an emotionally bigger woman and initiate change in your life and emotions. You see the interviewers said that we shouldn't change ourselves for any man, we merely change the way we handle our emotions.
Sometimes we actually have to become the initiator and help that negative emotion change to; powerfully positive emotional reactions. When we first meet a potential lover or life mate we mustn't start right in expecting him to act like he's our man already or our husband and further more expecting him to pop into that roll and show us automatically, the life, only we are dreaming about. After all, we just met the man or this is only the third date. Let's calm down ladies as we let things take their natural course. If you don't it is said that you will only be introducing what you don't want into your relationship; that's just starting to grow and turning into the relationship that you do want.
You may have been on the verge of making it an instant relationship instead of allowing the process to flow freely. To become demanding and expecting to much in the beginning, will turn him off completely. The process of catching him and keeping him means that you can't be the one calling all of the shots in the relationship, especially a new one; all of the time and wanting to know what he's thinking about, or where he is, etc. During the interview, it was said that, on date number four, you shouldn't want to know; nor should you ask where the relationship is headed. Again, this is an instant turn-off lady's.
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